The church is LIVE Streaming both Sunday services and the Wednesday night service on Facebook for everyone that cannot make it to church due to health concerns and for the FB Community. The church services are also uploaded here on the website under the Sermons/SS Lessons tab. When the church originally started LIVE streaming Sunday Morning Sermons; as well as, some Sunday School lessons by the Sunday School teachers when the COVID Pandemic began. All the LIVE Streams are on the website under Sermons/SS Lessons tab. On Mother's Day a special service was held for all the women in the Sanctuary and Bro Mark brought a wonderful uplifting, encouraging and soul searching message for them. Everyone in attendance observed social distancing and adorned mask so that the church was in compliance with the CDC Mandates. This service was also live streamed on the Church's Facebook page. On Sunday, May 17th, the first outdoor service was held in the woods by the bus barn behind the Pastors house. There were several in attendance and again social distancing and mask were worn by those that wanted one. There was special singing and a good message was enjoyed by all. The service was also live streamed on the church's Facebook page. For photos see the Photo Album Page. On Sunday, May 24th, the second outdoor service was held by the bus barn and a larger crowd was in attendance. For photos see the Photo Album Page. During the service Bro. Mark announced that Wednesday night services would held in the sanctuary at 7:00 pm est beginning May 27th. Only Wednesday night services will be held in the Sanctuary. Sunday Morning Services will be held by the bus barn until further notice. Sunday Night Services will still be live streamed on Facebook until further notice. Sunday Morning services are now held in the Sanctuary beginning at 10:00 am est. Sunday night services have been resumed and are held in the Sanctuary with the Wednesday night services being held in the Fellowship Hall. Beginning Wednesday, January 13, 2021, the Wednesday night services will move back to the Sanctuary as long as the attendance stays at the level it is now. The church is praying that we will be able to return to our regular Worship Service schedule in the near future. |